Saturday, December 26, 2009

(here is a real life story about Jews fleeing Germany)

A Righteous Man Among Nations: Captain Gustav Schroder:

Seventy survivors of the M.S. St. Louis voyage from Germany to Cuba in 1939 are meeting in Miami Beach according the the Herald.

The Statue of Liberty bears an inscription stating, inter alia, (Judges, click here for a definition of "inter alia") "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free..."

Yup, in 1939 almost everyone got into the US, except if you're a Jew on a boat fleeing Germany. Then, despite holding a valid visa for Cuba, you get turned away. The US refuses to accept you, and so does Canada. Eventually about 223 are accepted by England, and the rest returned to Europe- mostly Belgium and France, which is fine except both countries are about to fall to a German blitzkrieg. Eventually, of the 930 Jews seeking to escape Germany, 254 were captured and taken to the camps and executed along with the other ten million humans the Germans saw fit to exterminate.

Friday, December 25, 2009

My new novel "Hitler's Mischlinge is available from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Borders and several other book vendors in paperback and as an e-book and in the U.K. and Germany. It's a story about an assassination plot at the 1936 Summer Olympics involving Charles Lindbergh and Anne Morrow Lindbergh.
An American detective, a famous German detective and a Mischling Luftwaffe officer play cat and mouse while Hitler directs the greatest propaganda hoax of the 20th century.